All content is copyrighted @2023Fred Pahlke.... Posting of my material is strictly prohibited without approval by Fred Pahlke
School Safety: More to it that than you can imagine......

March 26, 2023
Another school shooting yesterday. Nashville, TN where six are killed by a lone gun woman. Three adults and three children shot to death. Yes, it is horrible. So what can we as a society do to stop this type of slaughter?
Say we fortify schools with armed guards. Make the doors and windows safe that entry is impossible. Ban guns and trash the US Constitution and the 2nd Admindment. Just a start. Problem solved. Right? I do not think so. Until we stop manufacturing human beings that have the "want to kill others," children and school employees, the issue is not solved. And how do you stop someone bent out of hell to kill? What do you with a person that uses another tool of killing to do the dirty on some child or adult at a bus stop, on the streets of America as the child walks to school, or on a field trip as they purse a school outing? It is not just a school building problem for the person out to kill.
Another school shooting yesterday. Nashville, TN where six are killed by a lone gun woman. Three adults and three children shot to death. Yes, it is horrible. So what can we as a society do to stop this type of slaughter?
Say we fortify schools with armed guards. Make the doors and windows safe that entry is impossible. Ban guns and trash the US Constitution and the 2nd Admindment. Just a start. Problem solved. Right? I do not think so. Until we stop manufacturing human beings that have the "want to kill others," children and school employees, the issue is not solved. And how do you stop someone bent out of hell to kill? What do you with a person that uses another tool of killing to do the dirty on some child or adult at a bus stop, on the streets of America as the child walks to school, or on a field trip as they purse a school outing? It is not just a school building problem for the person out to kill.
CORVETTE C8-detailed by M - my new daily driver
Photos taken by Mario Asencio (April 2022)
I was restricted by FACEBOOK for posting this message about someone in the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED group. They said I was BULLYING. FACEBOOK restricted me for seven days as they did NOT like my political slant.
"Spring Mayer you are not smart enough to understand the implications of forced shots that have no science based facts that show that they save lives with a select group of people? Are you just dumb or are you just displaying your agenda?"
"Spring Mayer you are not smart enough to understand the implications of forced shots that have no science based facts that show that they save lives with a select group of people? Are you just dumb or are you just displaying your agenda?"
Entire site is copyright by Fred Pahlke and re posting on any media platform is strictly forbidden.
AOC - The most dangerous woman in America....
II would say that one day Alexandria Cortez Ocasio will be the most powerful female in the Democrat Party and her participation in the American political system will be the most dangerous ingredient in the ruination of the American way of life as of the past. Her views and beliefs are not of good but of ignorance. She is as dumb as a rock.
Another Civil War?

From 1861 through 1865 Americans from across the nation had some serious differences of opinions that could not be settled with compromise. The Union of states were composed of citizens supported significantly different ideas and ideals, as no one state was completely one hundred percent consolidated with one solid train-of-thought or action. Men from Kentucky, as with other come be known "border states" were split right down the middle, many favoring the reforms and the political factions of the Northern states while others sided with the more status quo likes of the Southern states. But no matter if you lived in a northern state like New York, or a southern state like Georgia, the sentiments of any particular viewpoint could be different. That could be the norm for close neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and especially and most tragically, family members.
The American people, before 1861, had festered these likes and dislikes, opinions for what it is worth, with regard to the laws of the land, including the US Constitution. With their own personal morality, their sense of right and wrong, and a strong religious backbone, these citizens had built a country that was to find itself in 1861, in total discourse that could eventually cause the death of hundred's of thousands of it's inhabitants and quite possibly the ruination of what they would call the United States.
Make no mistake, these human beings living in that day and age, before, during and after the Civil War, were no different than the human beings that currently walk the pavement in this USA in 2021. Make no mistake either, that the issues that the American citizens of 2021 are as grave a set of issues in front of them to work through as the Americans in 1861. Slavery, states rights, self-determination (on various levels), personal human rights given under the Constitution back then are no more or less problematic as racism, states rights, Federal rights, Constitutional rights, personal liberties, and discrimination today.
The hate fellow Americans have in this moment of 2021 can and does rival any animosities that forefathers had in 1861. And the rhetoric that deems totally disgusting toward each individual citizen, today, is the work of the evil side of humanity. With every one having to be "right", or on the right side, no matter the issue, and a lack of compromise, as each wants to take total charge of the political spectrum, it will not be so hard to imagine that we are on a course of destruction. A horrific age that could rival what the great Abe Lincoln had to work through.
With actors like Joe Biden and Donald Trump leading the two major political parties, this nation, today, is in a big heaping bowl of shit that might drown us all. Say you prayers or bless your lucky stars folks....we are in for some serious days ahead. And will the United States of America be a country of choice in the next twenty, thirty years? Hell, we might not even be one, nation that is.
Biden Administration Wrecks US Economy in Less than Six Months.....
It has taken President Joe Biden's White House administration less than six months to fuck up the United State economy. Inflation of almost everything is crippling the country and as of our now lack of freedom of speech on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, you better not mention it. As the condition continues to get worse, expect the number of jobs available to to rise with the number of workers wanting to work to decrease as by Biden's governmental payments to non-workers make it profitable not to work. Expect shortages of products and higher prices to continue. No gas, no meat, no work, and wear the god damn fucking mask as it will keep you safe. Sure, American is being fucked right now by the imbecile Biden and his lame and silent vice President. Good luck to that. Will the last one out please turn off the fricken lights.
Citizens and Soldiers: Your decision to follow the Constitution.....
January 21, 2021.......the fact is that America is becoming a lost, there will be an uprising and right now the current administration/military does NOT know how many of those that have swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States will in the long run, follow the orders of that Establishment government/military or will they break with that leadership and follow the Constitution of the United States in an alternate fashion. Will they turn their guns on their mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters that might not be in the Biden camp? It is a decision that both the troops and the citizens will have to make....commitment and oppression do not mix....... This country is on the brink........get my drift?
Why I do NOT post political comments on FACEBOOK anymore......
January 19, 2021
This week I made my last initial post on FACEBOOK with a personal political opinion. As we know that platform is not allowing certain people to comment ideas/opinions that are not of the Leftist/Democrat Party/ point of view. I have been suspended from FACEBOOK for short periods of time and know the next time will be my demise there. I was suspended for posting comments that were deemed against community standards, whatever that is. Well, the temper of those on FACEBOOK is totally out of control, as comments toward people have become personal, event with friends of the platform. Just two days ago, while discussing the riot in DC on another person's FACEBOOK, I was personally attacked and the comment was allowed to stand. I do not understand why some need to get personal, but that is something that is not right. I use my BLOCKING power to remove individuals as not to continue any negativity and that usually works. Quoted "Hey Fred, you are a troll, a seditious piece of shit and we don't owe you any engagement other than to tell you to Go Fuck Yourself. Everyone else is saying the same thing , I'm just being direct." Getting an address from someone such as that, I felt that it was a personal remark and that was it for me and political comments on FACEBOOK. I do not and will not be insulted so I will not post on that person's FACEBOOK again. It is what it is in this country and since we have become so rude with regard to what we can say to someone in type, I will take a pass and be gone. But saying something like that to my FACE would get me to stand for my self and it would not be good. Anyone can post insults on social media. As for FACEBOOK, I know my time there is short.
Good God, Abe Lincoln shut the press down......Maybe Trump needs to shut down Twitter/Facebook......
Jan. 13, 2021

Lincoln shuts down, censors the press during the Civil War
In other wartime actions that affected freedom of expression, Lincoln seized the telegraph lines and issued an order prohibiting the printing of war news about military movements without approval.
Journalistic dispatches, U.S. mail, and telegraphs were all routinely censored as part of the administration’s war efforts. People were arrested for wearing Confederate buttons and for singing Confederate songs.
Government officials shut down the Chicago Times for excessively criticizing the Lincoln administration. Editors were arrested, papers were closed, and correspondents were banned from the fields of battle. A military governor with the approval of the secretary of war, Edwin M. Stanton, destroyed the office of the Sunday Chronicle, a Washington, D.C., newspaper.
During Lincoln’s administration, Clement L. Vallandigham, a prominent Democratic member of Congress from Ohio, was arrested for making an anti-war political speech in his home state. After his conviction by a military tribunal, Vallandigham was sentenced to prison. Lincoln, however, changed the punishment to banishment.
In other wartime actions that affected freedom of expression, Lincoln seized the telegraph lines and issued an order prohibiting the printing of war news about military movements without approval.
Journalistic dispatches, U.S. mail, and telegraphs were all routinely censored as part of the administration’s war efforts. People were arrested for wearing Confederate buttons and for singing Confederate songs.
Government officials shut down the Chicago Times for excessively criticizing the Lincoln administration. Editors were arrested, papers were closed, and correspondents were banned from the fields of battle. A military governor with the approval of the secretary of war, Edwin M. Stanton, destroyed the office of the Sunday Chronicle, a Washington, D.C., newspaper.
During Lincoln’s administration, Clement L. Vallandigham, a prominent Democratic member of Congress from Ohio, was arrested for making an anti-war political speech in his home state. After his conviction by a military tribunal, Vallandigham was sentenced to prison. Lincoln, however, changed the punishment to banishment.
House Democrats Impeachment of Trump Fuels the Fire of Discourse
January 12, 2020
Today the House Democrats are impeaching the President for the second time. This will harm the country, up the violence that is now rearing its ugle head from the "RIGHT," and is in fact another example that the nations is in a state of CIVIL WAR. Nothing but hate will come out of this action and heaven help us. For those that approve of the House Democrats, you can now claim some of the blame of this destruction of the USA.
THE USA IS IN A major American Civil War today..........people are angry and they will not sit like the JEWS did in Germany in 1933 and take it....No, the American public on the side for free speech will not stand there and bleed. Be aware that your freedom of speech is being taken away today.....the American public is so split that there would be a complete bloody civil war if things got funny with the Democrats.....people are arming up and I do not think the military would take sides and turn on either side with their guns. It would be an extreme violent confrontation that would include the assassination of various leaders on both sides and a civil unrest that you see in various countries that suffer the same sort of censorship that the Dems want to put on the certain groups here. This is not good and anyone that thinks that the Dems are for unity are so fucking stupid that it is unbelievable.
Copyright FRED PAHLKE 2020 - no reproduction of this site without written permission by Fred Pahlke.
Time for looters and rioters that use deadly force to meet deadly force......
As the rioting and looting continued in Wisconsin last night, I have come to the conclusion that the police and other law enforcement agencies need to defend themselves and the lives of the other citizens with the use of deadly force when they too are under siege of deadly force. It is time for this uncivil disobedience to stop and the embolden criminals to meet a fate that they think they are immune to. You riot, you try to hurt the police, you want to burn down the world around you, you need to be shot dead. If you disagree, please understand that that is your right. Please fuck off.
I wonder if the day will come that I have to use deadly force to keep me or my loved ones safe in this day and age. The allowance of letting my fellow citizens threaten me has been on my mind since the rioting and violent disobedience that has gripped the USA for the past months.
Racism has been sold to the American Public-We are a RACIST NATION?
I will not buy that notion that America is a racist country. I will buy that we have racists in the country, but what country does not? Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others, you can sell your shit to the dumb ignorant masses of citizens but you I will not take your agenda and give it acceptance. Tell me why millions of men and women of color would trade their country to live in the USA if it was a racist nation as you two fucks say? You cannot because what you propagate is a fucking lie. I will not buy what you two millionaire hucksters are selling.
What Americans need to hear from black scholars….
What's the dope on what is and what is not? Some educated thoughts by two black men of intelligence follows. My wish is that you consider what they have said and get a better understanding on what the nation is going through and how America can solve the problems of the day, week, year, decade, and century. The first part are the opinions of Shelby Steele..... a Robert J. and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action.
There is nothing really new. The civil rights argument is about POWER. You have to have victims. George Floyd is the archetypal victim. The innocent victim who validates the that minorities are entitled.....systemic racism....society is responsible for us....the truth is that blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. If we had the courage to say to black people "you are not carrying your weight.". Do you say I am a victim and you whites need to give me more? An exhausted and empty strategy since the 60's. At one time blacks took a responsibility for their lives. Blacks are enabled. If you really care about what minorities do, "why don't you ask them to do it. Drop the pretense. There will always be racism in every society. It is endemic to the human is stupidity. You have put us in a position of a permeant condition of an underclass. We have let this guilty society put us were we are. Today. The great society of the 1960's led to an exploitations of blacks to make the whites feel they are off the hook for the past evils of this country. The liberals used the white guilt of the past and then enabled the blacks...we beat you up in the past and you cannot make it without us. The blacks are dependent on the whites they are told. Listen to the interview below.....and think, have I been bamboozled?
There is nothing really new. The civil rights argument is about POWER. You have to have victims. George Floyd is the archetypal victim. The innocent victim who validates the that minorities are entitled.....systemic racism....society is responsible for us....the truth is that blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. If we had the courage to say to black people "you are not carrying your weight.". Do you say I am a victim and you whites need to give me more? An exhausted and empty strategy since the 60's. At one time blacks took a responsibility for their lives. Blacks are enabled. If you really care about what minorities do, "why don't you ask them to do it. Drop the pretense. There will always be racism in every society. It is endemic to the human is stupidity. You have put us in a position of a permeant condition of an underclass. We have let this guilty society put us were we are. Today. The great society of the 1960's led to an exploitations of blacks to make the whites feel they are off the hook for the past evils of this country. The liberals used the white guilt of the past and then enabled the blacks...we beat you up in the past and you cannot make it without us. The blacks are dependent on the whites they are told. Listen to the interview below.....and think, have I been bamboozled?
Bob Woodson discusses the problems of today. (is an American author and former campaign advisor to President George W. Bush.[1] He founded the Woodson Center in 1981)
"What they are doing is a perversions of the civil rights movement," as Woodson comments on what is happening today. Back in the 1960's the thought was that the whites that ran the cities were the problem and if blacks could get into leadership positions the problems would subside. Well, the blacks did get into the leadership positions and things for the lower income blacks did not get better but got much worse under Democrat leadership as of corruption and power struggles and the influx of 23 trillion dollars. These leaders, white and black could not explain THEIR failures and blamed everything on RACISM which is a lie. Your faith is not determined on what white American does or does not do.....and has never been.....they use race as a rouse........false claims on racism and discrimination is the root of all problems....50 years after the Civil War a large number of blacks were very we are told that institutional racism is the root of all problem.....the enemy of the poor blacks is not bigots but those who betrayed the trust, that took office and used race to justify their incompetance.......
"What they are doing is a perversions of the civil rights movement," as Woodson comments on what is happening today. Back in the 1960's the thought was that the whites that ran the cities were the problem and if blacks could get into leadership positions the problems would subside. Well, the blacks did get into the leadership positions and things for the lower income blacks did not get better but got much worse under Democrat leadership as of corruption and power struggles and the influx of 23 trillion dollars. These leaders, white and black could not explain THEIR failures and blamed everything on RACISM which is a lie. Your faith is not determined on what white American does or does not do.....and has never been.....they use race as a rouse........false claims on racism and discrimination is the root of all problems....50 years after the Civil War a large number of blacks were very we are told that institutional racism is the root of all problem.....the enemy of the poor blacks is not bigots but those who betrayed the trust, that took office and used race to justify their incompetance.......
The US Government, the State Governments, the Local Governments, and the Medical Industry is Killing this Country-continue this shutdown as of the virus we are done with the way of life we knew......these shits lie and fuck the Constitution of this Nation.....

It will only be a short time and the USA is fucked for good......and thanks CHINA for KILLING OUR NATION-YOUR LEADERS GO TO FUCKING HELL!
20 shot to death in El Paso and we call it a HATE Crime? Really?
August 3, 2019
This is what we are dealing with in the USA-A Facebook Conversation
August 15, 2017
I had a conversation tonight with a gentleman. During the remarks I had with the man, I could see what a major fracture we have in the United States, with our past, our present, and finally, where we are going in our future. I really did not know where the Facebook conversation was heading, but after a while I basically stopped it as I had heard enough. My take on the conversation is my opinion and it will be at the end of the Facebook conversation.
Fred Pahlke: JD,I totally see your point. I would like you to answer this question. Do you equate Robert E. Lee with Adolph Hitler? What is your take? If you don't want to answer that it is ok. As for my family, my father fought in WW2 in the 45th Inf. Division as a medic that made every battlefield the 45th made until injuries a day before the crossing of the Rhine River into Germany put him in the hospital for over a year. My Dad's father was born in East Prussia and he entered the war as a fluent German speaking medic that gave assistance to both his American counterparts and also those of the German Army, hearing many battlefield last words by soldiers of both armies JF: Jeez....Robert E Lee or Hitler? Degrees of evil? Is one evil-er? I'm not sure just on a tit for tat basis I can make a call on that particular thing. Lee certainly fought in support of and participated in an institution that is morally insupportable, that is evil to it's core. Slavery was a genocide in slow motion. Hitler of course was responsible for so much death and destruction in a short time...I frankly wouldn't give ya a dime for either. On a more touchy topic, we have what...12 early Presidents who were slave owners? Several of those, Washington Jefferson, and Madison who gave voice to our highest aspirations of self government and the nobility of the common man. Life is weird and messy. I cannot pretend to have a good solution for those other than telling the truth about them. That said, I just refuse to support Swastikas, Confederate flags and dead rebel Generals in the "public square". People can and will do what they wish privately, but that stuff belongs, at best in the Museum, not the "public square". Fred Pahlke thank you for a reply...have you thought about all the Confederate monuments on Federal you support their removal too? JD: Fred Pahlke No. I consider those "museums". The cemeteries as well. That is an appropriate place in my mind. · Fred Pahlke really? Museums. Ok. Thank you for your response. · Fred Pahlke Do you consider the OKC Memorial a museum also? JD: In a sense, I suppose. I consider those to be on a similar footing as museum. Maybe my description is not as precise as it might need to be, but generally, yes. They are places we go to reflect on our history, on the losses, on the people who were the actors. This as differentiated from what I consider the active present, the "town square" where current citizens are still striving to carry on with their lives, build futures, to exercise as fully as possible their freedom, their opportunities, their rights as Americans, their full franchise. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ First, anyone that equates Robert E. Lee and Adolph Hitler in the same class as both "are not worth a damn" has a limited historical perspective. Fact of the matter, we have a large number/percentage of Americans that cannot see a difference in Lee and Hitler and that is not only sad but an indictment on our educational system in this nation. We are not a society that cannot differentiate apples and oranges, good men that might be suspect in their actions based on good faith and God and those of evil and deception and the Devil. You lump the evilness associated with Lee with Hitler you need to get a damn history education. That is a fucking fact. Second, to call a National Battlefield where human beings died for their beliefs, many from the same God fearing families on different sides of the gun, a "museum", is disingenuous at least and a damn shame. These battlefields are hollowed ground where men shed their blood, not places where one goes to look at shit like you would in a museum. What are we, a society of damn shithead idiots? And to top it off, to call the OKC Memorial a museum is not acceptable. No, this is a place where human beings met evil and not a museum. Are you kidding me? I have come to the conclusion that racism is on the leg of ignorance. But I also have come to the conclusion that those that THINK they are fighting racism are just as dumb and ignorant as those that show out as in the ultra right white fuckers. . |
All Lives Matter
If you don't like what I have just posted, why don't you leave and never come back.
FRANCE to guillotine those found guilty in terrorist incidents
Any terrorist that is found guilty in activities will suffer the blade of the guillotine, according to French authorities. Read the article above for further information. Cheers to the French. Off with their heads.
The following report was written by a Dr. Beaurieux, who experimented with the head of a condemned prisoner by the name of Henri Languille, on 28 June 1905:
Here, then, is what I was able to note immediately after the decapitation: the eyelids and lips of the guillotined man worked in irregularly rhythmic contractions for about five or six seconds. This phenomenon has been remarked by all those finding themselves in the same conditions as myself for observing what happens after the severing of the neck ...
I waited for several seconds. The spasmodic movements ceased. [...] It was then that I called in a strong, sharp voice: "Languille!" I saw the eyelids slowly lift up, without any spasmodic contractions – I insist advisedly on this peculiarity – but with an even movement, quite distinct and normal, such as happens in everyday life, with people awakened or torn from their thoughts.
Next Languille's eyes very definitely fixed themselves on mine and the pupils focused themselves. I was not, then, dealing with the sort of vague dull look without any expression, that can be observed any day in dying people to whom one speaks: I was dealing with undeniably living eyes which were looking at me. After several seconds, the eyelids closed again [...].
It was at that point that I called out again and, once more, without any spasm, slowly, the eyelids lifted and undeniably living eyes fixed themselves on mine with perhaps even more penetration than the first time. Then there was a further closing of the eyelids, but now less complete. I attempted the effect of a third call; there was no further movement – and the eyes took on the glazed look which they have in the dead.
Any terrorist that is found guilty in activities will suffer the blade of the guillotine, according to French authorities. Read the article above for further information. Cheers to the French. Off with their heads.
The following report was written by a Dr. Beaurieux, who experimented with the head of a condemned prisoner by the name of Henri Languille, on 28 June 1905:
Here, then, is what I was able to note immediately after the decapitation: the eyelids and lips of the guillotined man worked in irregularly rhythmic contractions for about five or six seconds. This phenomenon has been remarked by all those finding themselves in the same conditions as myself for observing what happens after the severing of the neck ...
I waited for several seconds. The spasmodic movements ceased. [...] It was then that I called in a strong, sharp voice: "Languille!" I saw the eyelids slowly lift up, without any spasmodic contractions – I insist advisedly on this peculiarity – but with an even movement, quite distinct and normal, such as happens in everyday life, with people awakened or torn from their thoughts.
Next Languille's eyes very definitely fixed themselves on mine and the pupils focused themselves. I was not, then, dealing with the sort of vague dull look without any expression, that can be observed any day in dying people to whom one speaks: I was dealing with undeniably living eyes which were looking at me. After several seconds, the eyelids closed again [...].
It was at that point that I called out again and, once more, without any spasm, slowly, the eyelids lifted and undeniably living eyes fixed themselves on mine with perhaps even more penetration than the first time. Then there was a further closing of the eyelids, but now less complete. I attempted the effect of a third call; there was no further movement – and the eyes took on the glazed look which they have in the dead.
Yes Sir, W. Pahlke's Grocery

My Grandfather's grocery at 2110 N. Penn, OKC. The store building and the home on 20th Street are still with us as are the pecan trees on 20th. Picture above from the 20's and Penn had just been paved.
My grandfather William Pahlke came to Oklahoma City to work as a meat cutter for Mr. Schwab (Schwab's Meat Company). He had previous stops in and around Paducah, Kentucky, Cairo and Chicago, Ill. Rumor has it he answered an ad by Mr. Schwab in the Chicago papers and took the job by phone. He moved to this state with a wife and two kids. His third child, my Aunt Erma, was born across the street of the current Jesus House, in a rented apartment, just after arriving in the Oklahoma City. Mr. Schwab and my Grandfather, along with Mr. Kamp (Kamp's Grocery), and I am sure other 1st generation German American Oklahomans, became great friends. Kamps Grocery was the greatest food store in OKC at one time and Schwab's Meats was and is a standard in meats and meat smoking in this state. My grandfather was very successful with his money and by 1927 had a flourishing little grocery store in the Gatewood area of OKC. The store included a full scale meat department (he cut his own meats and sold Schwabs products), home grown veggies, fresh eggs, a deli, and for his own use, a winery. He grew, crushed, fermented and bottled his grapes I remember his large gallon jugs of grape wine sitting in his garage as a child. His wooden wine crushing barrels were large, as you could put two or three barefoot smashers in the barrels at one time, and his production was in the hundreds of gallons a year. During prohibition I don't know what he did with all the spirits he didn't drink but I kinda believe he didn't sell it but gave it away as gifts to his customers. He had no need to bootleg to make a living.
With his profits in the grocery business my Grandfather invested in commercial real estate followed by residential rental properties. He bought the southeast corner of NW 23 and Penn in OKC when both roads were still dirt. He bought other corners including NW 16th and May, NW 30th and Penn (2 corners and the east side of Penn from 29th to 30th), NW 10th and Classen, N. Western and 5th, and NW 4th and Lee, Other properties have been sold through the years. At one time my family had over twenty rent houses and apartments to go along with the commercial leases.
My Grandfather told me when I old enough to understand that he had to get the hell out of his home country because he didn't like what was going on. He was, like other ambitious men of his time, not going to live the life of a poor man when the United State gave everyone who worked hard an opportunity to be successful. He was able to get to America before World War 1, which if he had stayed, he would have been one of the millions killed in battle. He told me he hated the Bolsheviks and the Bolshevik Revolution, later becoming the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In fact, my Grandfather considered himself German, but was actually born in East Prussia, Russia. When mad and in a cussing mood, my grandfather's favorite saying was "those GD Bolsheviks."
More about the picture. It was taken in 1927 at 2110 North Penn in Oklahona City. The boy in the wagon was a friend that lived on the west side of Penn on 20th, a few houses from Penn. I don't have his name but he later became a high ranking Army officer. My dad, age ten, is the blonde headed kid on the delivery bike; my Aunt Erma, age eight; followed by my Aunt Dorothy, age eleven. Grandfather is in the background in the white shirt.
Manitou Springs Was A Great Place to Have Vacation Fun
Growing up in a family that believed in taking summer vacations (something that I did with my wife and two sons) we often went to Colorado (maybe ten summers in 15 years) My Dad would visit his deer hunting buddies which lived in and around Colorado Springs. His best buddy lived on the side of the mountain in Manitou Springs, a beautiful town heading up to the Rockies from Colorado Springs located on Colorado Blvd.....Manitou Springs was and still is a tourist town with plenty of shops and places to visit, eat, and have fun, especially for kids. The Penny Arcade in Manitou was a place where I spent hours on hours playing the games and such. Those same games, now maybe sixty, seventy years old, are still in working operation. A wonderful place to go back in time and get away from the video game of today......Recommended highly..
Is the USA becoming Gutless? Seems to be with our current Leadership
- Why does the United State lead from behind. Are we inferior to Iran in military force? Why do we want to make a deal when we can take these suckers out without a deal? I just don't get it. If you have an enemy, take the m f ers out. Have not they said the same to us, Death to America...... What the problem here? Is America the new weakass country? Time to get with it or just shut it down as we don't deserve to be a free country in this day and age. God have mercy on us and God have mercy on our fucked up leadership in Washington. That is the way I see it.
Try Posting this photo on Facebook and they will remove it.
Nazis in America.
Time to Put this Puppy to Rest
This might not be popular with everyone but here it is, my opinion. The Civil War, commonly known as the War Between the States, was won my the United States of America in 1865. At that time, the flags of the losing Army, the losing government of the Confederate States of America, were not banned- the use of the Rebel flags that were used by the CSA that flew on Capitols and in battle with Union forces. The actual battle flag (above)....." was never adopted by the Confederate Congress, never flew over any state capitols during the Confederacy, and was never officially used by Confederate veterans' groups. The flag probably would have been relegated to Civil War museums if it had not been resurrected by the resurgent KKK and used by Southern Dixiecrats during the 1948 presidential election.
That flag has the famous design that decorates and are part of various southern state flags currently, such as South Carolina (on the front steps of the Capitol), Georgia and Mississippi. Further, "It is no accident that Confederate symbols have been the mainstay of white supremacist organizations, from the Ku Klux Klan to the skinheads. They did not appropriate the Confederate battle flag simply because it was pretty. They picked it because it was the flag of a nation dedicated to their ideals: 'that the negro is not equal to the white man'. The Confederate flag, we are told, represents heritage, not hate. But why should we celebrate a heritage grounded in hate, a heritage whose self-avowed reason for existence was the exploitation and debasement of a sizeable segment of its population?"
Getting to my point. the USA won the war but the Union didn't ban the "Battle Flag" (the Stainless Banner). It is time for that symbol to be "Gone With the Wind." I suggest that the lawmakers in Washington DC get together and make Federal legislation to "BAN" that flag for any public use, Federally and State, and along with Presidential support and a strong firm upholding of the legalities from the US Supreme Court, to uphold that ban. That flag is disrespectful toward the USA, the men who fought against it 150 or so years ago, represents so much that is not good in this country today. People , it is time to stand up for the USA 100 percent. Respectfully, this flag has got to go. It's history, from day one when it was used in battle against our country, through its dubious history, is a solid reason to put it in museums.
That flag has the famous design that decorates and are part of various southern state flags currently, such as South Carolina (on the front steps of the Capitol), Georgia and Mississippi. Further, "It is no accident that Confederate symbols have been the mainstay of white supremacist organizations, from the Ku Klux Klan to the skinheads. They did not appropriate the Confederate battle flag simply because it was pretty. They picked it because it was the flag of a nation dedicated to their ideals: 'that the negro is not equal to the white man'. The Confederate flag, we are told, represents heritage, not hate. But why should we celebrate a heritage grounded in hate, a heritage whose self-avowed reason for existence was the exploitation and debasement of a sizeable segment of its population?"
Getting to my point. the USA won the war but the Union didn't ban the "Battle Flag" (the Stainless Banner). It is time for that symbol to be "Gone With the Wind." I suggest that the lawmakers in Washington DC get together and make Federal legislation to "BAN" that flag for any public use, Federally and State, and along with Presidential support and a strong firm upholding of the legalities from the US Supreme Court, to uphold that ban. That flag is disrespectful toward the USA, the men who fought against it 150 or so years ago, represents so much that is not good in this country today. People , it is time to stand up for the USA 100 percent. Respectfully, this flag has got to go. It's history, from day one when it was used in battle against our country, through its dubious history, is a solid reason to put it in museums.

Something to think about. The many in this country from the south that want to never forget the heroic actions of the men of the Confederacy and their fight for state's rights must also realize that there also was another part of the story. One cannot ask the thousands of Blacks in this country, descendants of slaves from way back in the days before and during the during the Civil War to do the same. They too do not forget their grand, great grand, great great grand parents of what they went through. When a black speaks about the past, they too have a story, one that is not as cherished as the one of the Southern white existence.


Each individual has to determine what is right in behavior and belief and what is wrong in behavior and belief. Then that person can judge himself whether he thinks he is a moral person or not a moral person. But society can also judge right and wrong and also make a judgment on the morality of an individual. Society's genuine judgment is worthless in the matter. The individual's judgment and choice is not. And without being 100% moral within actions and beliefs, the person has cast him/her self as an immoral person. A key issue arises with the inclusion of personal religious beliefs and how that casts a shadow over the individual's interpretation on what is "right and what is wrong." By including a theological factor, the individual can base his definition of "right and wrong" with clarity of thought, a deeper involvement of examining ideas and past studies, to judge and decide to or not to take ownership of a doctrine which would be based through the morality of said doctrine. The alternative, a personal belief of the issue of right and wrong, void of a theological base, inclined to a laissez faire developed mindset of the issue, lends itself to a more liberal and less directed/structured take on the fabric of morality, allowing the fog of personal choice dictate the finality of what is right and wrong. This can be called "I think I know better than anyone else when it comes to actions and beliefs."
Here We Go Again

- Please think about the carpet chewer's quote when you choose your next President. It is important enough as you only have look at past Presidential elections to see that our candidates for the most part have this "trick" down pat. Agendas that lump all in the same basket are in it self dangerous and discernment in choosing our leader cannot be taken lightly by supporting the "sexy" or "color/gender" defined person. Please work at electing a moral, truthful, and competent man/woman. It can be done.
Twenty Years Ago Today, April 19, 1995

Twenty years ago today a significant event happened in my hometown of Oklahoma City. It was a life changer for me, for my family and friends, for my fellow Oklahomans, and for the country in general. The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown OKC killed 168 fellow citizens and injured almost 700 more on that day of April 19, 1995. The most significant event in State history, and a most terrible happening this country would suffer between the World War of the 1940’s and the awful day of September 11th some six and a half years later, will always be in the DNA of Oklahomans everywhere. Domestic terrorism in the name of Timothy McVeigh was an evil set upon all of us, and something that served notice that if we, as a country, believe we are safe from losing what we have as American’s, sacrifice as described in the “Oklahoma Standard” is an action for all, a must, and not just in the Sooner State but nationwide. I will define the “Oklahoma Standard” further down in this article.
Driving to work on that day twenty years ago, I was not a happy man, as I was going to be late for work. Diverting through traffic in downtown OKC to get to the School Administration building of my employer, the Oklahoma City Public Schools, I skirted past the doomed Federal Building at approximately 8:06 am, a hour or so before the destruction of the facility by the fertilizer bomb. In the form of a Rider rental truck that Mr. McVeigh had parked in front of the building, some minutes after my passing, that bomb would change our State and country forever. I know the exact time I drove past the Murrah building as when I walked into the auditorium of the School Board I checked my watch to see how late I was, not looking at my boss as I found a seat. (Thank you John for not noticing the time). Doing the math, it didn’t take a math major to figure out the time I passed the site. Again, it would have been 8:06 am. If I had been 61 minutes later I would have been vaporized and I would have been one of the missing that day, for the week, until authorities would have put two and two together and figured out that I had been at the unlucky location at that unlucky time on that historic day. Sure, what ifs…….but you could say that about the 168 and the hundreds hurt at that moment. I think about that often, especially when I pass the Memorial in downtown OKC. It is part of “my” insignificant story.
As the Principals of the city schools sat and listened to some director bloviate on some indifferent information, at the moment of 9:07 am, April 19, 1995, the lights in the auditorium at the school board, about a mile from the Alfred P. Murrah building went dark. Less than a second later the hundred or so building leaders of the OKCPS schools heard a loud but dull thud with a physical feeling of some large ever encumbering pressure from the ceiling of the large room set down upon us. It was frightening and gave everyone in the room a sense that “you better think before you act” sensation. For a good second, probably two, no one in the room moved. Not a head, not a blink, nothing. Shocked by experience, finally, everyone, with delicacy, picked themselves up and hurried out the room, out of the corridor and out the building’s side door to see that had happened. Did our administration building have an explosion? Did an airplane hit a house in the neighborhood? What happened?
As we looked around outside we could see a large smoke cloud form and rise from the downtown area and we all new that something bad had happened but what we had not a clue what it was. The beginning of a terrible day, week, month, year……..for OKC, Oklahoma, and the United States, was the result of that moment in time.
I will say that meeting was over, yet the TV broadcasters had not relayed what had happened. No information on my car radio about what had happened. I made a conscious decision not to follow any inquisitive instincts and thank God I didn’t drive toward the downtown area. With some of my students at a track meet at another school, I made a b-line toward those kids, making calls on my cell, first to my school (everything was good and the school didn’t know what had happened-yes, the school shook) and then home where my wife told me that the blast rattled our home in Edmond, some fourteen miles away from the devastation. Driving north I could see that plate glass in store buildings as far as three miles from the bomb site had shattered and lay on various streets and avenues. To this day I think about what might have happened if I had gone to the bomb site, what I would have had to see, and the effects of what I would have had to endure seeing men, women, and especially the children, with their bloody torn up bodies being cared for. I can’t tell you exactly what would have followed in my psyche, but for a fact, I had friends that lost their way for what they saw that day, losing their marriages, their sanity, and their God. Some lost my friendship, not for what they did, but for what they became. And it was their decision, not mine. It was not just like a war zone, it was worse, as the people affected were not just indiscriminate human beings, but people that you lived with, broke bread with, went to the movies with, and went to church with. My church lost seven members that day, the most than any church in the metro. It could have been more.
Going to Mass that evening at St. John the Baptist Church in Edmond after the events of the day, I remember one of our members that survived the blast, walking into the church, with a smile on his face. With his little scratches on one side of his body visible, he was in shock from what he had encountered (he was one foot from falling eight stories downward from where he was sitting one moment after the explosion) and his comments were telling of his faith. “I am a blessed man today.” I truly never met a more happy man, with all that he had endured. Somewhere in our humanity, goodness always wins the day. For his example, I am truly gratefully. He is not a hero, not really special in reality. His being was, is, bigger than his existence on earth. Something that I cannot explain. I try not. Every time I see him at church during the past twenty years I contemplate his faith in God and how a man that went through something that most of us will never have to endure would have such a positive feeling toward his fellow man and God after going through hell-on-earth. Life is, learning from him, a gift from God, something that you should “thank God” for each and every day. Life is not a given and you never know when it will be taken for the next step in the human experience.
Every Oklahoman that was here in OKC on April 19, 1995 has a story about the event. My story is unique to me, but in the long of it, only significant to me and hopefully for anyone that I tell. For those that come to OKC to visit, to watch a Thunder game, to vacation in the city (yes, OKC is not just a stopover place anymore), the Memorial is a must see. Yet, for me, I didn’t visit the Memorial for over ten years as it brought back negative memories. The Thunder team, every pre-season, make their visit to the Memorial, and any new team member is escorted to the Memorial within days after joining the organization. It is our personal Alamo, Trade Center, Arizona Battleship. And as the above mentioned are all American life changing sites, the Oklahoma City Memorial is also. It signifies our victory over evil, which can never be taken lightly, not that it has been. Our resolve over an act by a bad man with twisted beliefs, a reminder of something that is called the “Oklahoma Standard”, is encumbering positive human actions that benefit the whole of the city, the state, and hopefully, the country.
OKC Thunder GM Sam Presti has made a big deal of the “Oklahoma Standard.” He is a civic leader here and his support has been significant as he continues to make known of the Standard nationwide. The Standard as explained by the Oklahoma City National Memorial website is explained: April 19, 1995 altered the face of Oklahoma – and the nation – forever. But rather than bow to fear as the attackers intended, the community banded together. Cars became ambulances. Strangers became neighbors. People literally donated the shoes off their feet. Visiting rescue workers and journalists called this spirit of generosity the “Oklahoma Standard.” In this 20th Anniversary year, the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum is asking Oklahomans everywhere to recommit to the Oklahoma Standard.
OKC Thunder GM Sam Presti (photo from the Daily Oklahoman)
Sam Presti is a transplanted Oklahoman, yet has embraced the Standard and has put forth effort for all of us to act upon. He is one of the “good guys” and so has been his organization, his employees, and his professional ball players. A statewide Oklahoma Standard campaign was initiated by Presti this spring. When Presti came here with the franchise he quickly recognized the citizens of OKC were different, and what we have here is hard to get. He says it’s that resiliency and kindness exhibited by Oklahomans that he’s tried to instill into the organization and his ball players.
“There were things happening in the community, in the people here, that were so authentic so genuine and were so selfless,” said Presti. “The franchise has to be an embodiment of the value systems that exist in the community and we’ve worked very hard to put that into place. It’s not very often that you have an opportunity to leave a mark on your society and leave a mark on your community that’s going to last much longer than the work itself,” Presti concluded.
I felt the need to write this article. I have to always remember as much as I am an Oklahoman, with the pride of my state in mind, the bombing twenty-years ago was not about Oklahoma. It was about the United State of America, its people, and our way of life. Not everything in this country is perfect, yet we are in a place where if we don’t like what we see, what we encounter, what we endure, this nation has provided us a means to change it, hopefully for the betterment for all, in a most humanly way. I didn’t say lawful way as I believe in civil disobedience if needed. Dr. King is a good example of that exercise of the human spirit. I tend to believe we are not a selfish group, we all want improvement in our way of life, that goes for the rich, the poor, and the forgotten. The good people that had to suffer because of this evil has and will continue to show that the “Oklahoma Standard is really just another name for the “American Standard”, one of service toward their fellow man. It is just too bad that we have many in this country that don’t believe in it. They would rather tear the country down. If you are one of those that want to wreck the country, start anew, how far will you go with your agenda? Will you go as far as the “Timothy McVeigh Standard?” If you are, forget about it. You do not have a chance in hell to fulfill your ways. Yes, your evil ways.
There is forgiveness in my heart. Never do I want to seem bitter toward the families of the McVeigh’s or the Terry Nichols. To hold hate toward them is wrong. To hold evil in disdain is different. That fight will continue to the end of time.
- See more at:
Driving to work on that day twenty years ago, I was not a happy man, as I was going to be late for work. Diverting through traffic in downtown OKC to get to the School Administration building of my employer, the Oklahoma City Public Schools, I skirted past the doomed Federal Building at approximately 8:06 am, a hour or so before the destruction of the facility by the fertilizer bomb. In the form of a Rider rental truck that Mr. McVeigh had parked in front of the building, some minutes after my passing, that bomb would change our State and country forever. I know the exact time I drove past the Murrah building as when I walked into the auditorium of the School Board I checked my watch to see how late I was, not looking at my boss as I found a seat. (Thank you John for not noticing the time). Doing the math, it didn’t take a math major to figure out the time I passed the site. Again, it would have been 8:06 am. If I had been 61 minutes later I would have been vaporized and I would have been one of the missing that day, for the week, until authorities would have put two and two together and figured out that I had been at the unlucky location at that unlucky time on that historic day. Sure, what ifs…….but you could say that about the 168 and the hundreds hurt at that moment. I think about that often, especially when I pass the Memorial in downtown OKC. It is part of “my” insignificant story.
As the Principals of the city schools sat and listened to some director bloviate on some indifferent information, at the moment of 9:07 am, April 19, 1995, the lights in the auditorium at the school board, about a mile from the Alfred P. Murrah building went dark. Less than a second later the hundred or so building leaders of the OKCPS schools heard a loud but dull thud with a physical feeling of some large ever encumbering pressure from the ceiling of the large room set down upon us. It was frightening and gave everyone in the room a sense that “you better think before you act” sensation. For a good second, probably two, no one in the room moved. Not a head, not a blink, nothing. Shocked by experience, finally, everyone, with delicacy, picked themselves up and hurried out the room, out of the corridor and out the building’s side door to see that had happened. Did our administration building have an explosion? Did an airplane hit a house in the neighborhood? What happened?
As we looked around outside we could see a large smoke cloud form and rise from the downtown area and we all new that something bad had happened but what we had not a clue what it was. The beginning of a terrible day, week, month, year……..for OKC, Oklahoma, and the United States, was the result of that moment in time.
I will say that meeting was over, yet the TV broadcasters had not relayed what had happened. No information on my car radio about what had happened. I made a conscious decision not to follow any inquisitive instincts and thank God I didn’t drive toward the downtown area. With some of my students at a track meet at another school, I made a b-line toward those kids, making calls on my cell, first to my school (everything was good and the school didn’t know what had happened-yes, the school shook) and then home where my wife told me that the blast rattled our home in Edmond, some fourteen miles away from the devastation. Driving north I could see that plate glass in store buildings as far as three miles from the bomb site had shattered and lay on various streets and avenues. To this day I think about what might have happened if I had gone to the bomb site, what I would have had to see, and the effects of what I would have had to endure seeing men, women, and especially the children, with their bloody torn up bodies being cared for. I can’t tell you exactly what would have followed in my psyche, but for a fact, I had friends that lost their way for what they saw that day, losing their marriages, their sanity, and their God. Some lost my friendship, not for what they did, but for what they became. And it was their decision, not mine. It was not just like a war zone, it was worse, as the people affected were not just indiscriminate human beings, but people that you lived with, broke bread with, went to the movies with, and went to church with. My church lost seven members that day, the most than any church in the metro. It could have been more.
Going to Mass that evening at St. John the Baptist Church in Edmond after the events of the day, I remember one of our members that survived the blast, walking into the church, with a smile on his face. With his little scratches on one side of his body visible, he was in shock from what he had encountered (he was one foot from falling eight stories downward from where he was sitting one moment after the explosion) and his comments were telling of his faith. “I am a blessed man today.” I truly never met a more happy man, with all that he had endured. Somewhere in our humanity, goodness always wins the day. For his example, I am truly gratefully. He is not a hero, not really special in reality. His being was, is, bigger than his existence on earth. Something that I cannot explain. I try not. Every time I see him at church during the past twenty years I contemplate his faith in God and how a man that went through something that most of us will never have to endure would have such a positive feeling toward his fellow man and God after going through hell-on-earth. Life is, learning from him, a gift from God, something that you should “thank God” for each and every day. Life is not a given and you never know when it will be taken for the next step in the human experience.
Every Oklahoman that was here in OKC on April 19, 1995 has a story about the event. My story is unique to me, but in the long of it, only significant to me and hopefully for anyone that I tell. For those that come to OKC to visit, to watch a Thunder game, to vacation in the city (yes, OKC is not just a stopover place anymore), the Memorial is a must see. Yet, for me, I didn’t visit the Memorial for over ten years as it brought back negative memories. The Thunder team, every pre-season, make their visit to the Memorial, and any new team member is escorted to the Memorial within days after joining the organization. It is our personal Alamo, Trade Center, Arizona Battleship. And as the above mentioned are all American life changing sites, the Oklahoma City Memorial is also. It signifies our victory over evil, which can never be taken lightly, not that it has been. Our resolve over an act by a bad man with twisted beliefs, a reminder of something that is called the “Oklahoma Standard”, is encumbering positive human actions that benefit the whole of the city, the state, and hopefully, the country.
OKC Thunder GM Sam Presti has made a big deal of the “Oklahoma Standard.” He is a civic leader here and his support has been significant as he continues to make known of the Standard nationwide. The Standard as explained by the Oklahoma City National Memorial website is explained: April 19, 1995 altered the face of Oklahoma – and the nation – forever. But rather than bow to fear as the attackers intended, the community banded together. Cars became ambulances. Strangers became neighbors. People literally donated the shoes off their feet. Visiting rescue workers and journalists called this spirit of generosity the “Oklahoma Standard.” In this 20th Anniversary year, the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum is asking Oklahomans everywhere to recommit to the Oklahoma Standard.
OKC Thunder GM Sam Presti (photo from the Daily Oklahoman)
Sam Presti is a transplanted Oklahoman, yet has embraced the Standard and has put forth effort for all of us to act upon. He is one of the “good guys” and so has been his organization, his employees, and his professional ball players. A statewide Oklahoma Standard campaign was initiated by Presti this spring. When Presti came here with the franchise he quickly recognized the citizens of OKC were different, and what we have here is hard to get. He says it’s that resiliency and kindness exhibited by Oklahomans that he’s tried to instill into the organization and his ball players.
“There were things happening in the community, in the people here, that were so authentic so genuine and were so selfless,” said Presti. “The franchise has to be an embodiment of the value systems that exist in the community and we’ve worked very hard to put that into place. It’s not very often that you have an opportunity to leave a mark on your society and leave a mark on your community that’s going to last much longer than the work itself,” Presti concluded.
I felt the need to write this article. I have to always remember as much as I am an Oklahoman, with the pride of my state in mind, the bombing twenty-years ago was not about Oklahoma. It was about the United State of America, its people, and our way of life. Not everything in this country is perfect, yet we are in a place where if we don’t like what we see, what we encounter, what we endure, this nation has provided us a means to change it, hopefully for the betterment for all, in a most humanly way. I didn’t say lawful way as I believe in civil disobedience if needed. Dr. King is a good example of that exercise of the human spirit. I tend to believe we are not a selfish group, we all want improvement in our way of life, that goes for the rich, the poor, and the forgotten. The good people that had to suffer because of this evil has and will continue to show that the “Oklahoma Standard is really just another name for the “American Standard”, one of service toward their fellow man. It is just too bad that we have many in this country that don’t believe in it. They would rather tear the country down. If you are one of those that want to wreck the country, start anew, how far will you go with your agenda? Will you go as far as the “Timothy McVeigh Standard?” If you are, forget about it. You do not have a chance in hell to fulfill your ways. Yes, your evil ways.
There is forgiveness in my heart. Never do I want to seem bitter toward the families of the McVeigh’s or the Terry Nichols. To hold hate toward them is wrong. To hold evil in disdain is different. That fight will continue to the end of time.
- See more at:
Pope Francis Challenges the Church and Catholics in General
Let Pope Francis's words speak. Take them for what they are worth. I stand with him and his working the Church to exist in the world today. Change will take place. If Catholic, will you too sand with him and the Church or will you reject and become a Protestant? It is your decision. These quotes were from a Mass said on February 15, 2015.

“There are two ways of thinking and of having faith: we can fear to lose the saved and we can want to save the lost........Even today it can happen that we stand at the crossroads of these two ways of thinking..........Jesus responds immediately to the leper’s plea, without waiting to study the situation and all its possible consequences. For Jesus, what matters above all is reaching out to save those far off, healing the wounds of the sick, restoring everyone to God’s family. And this is scandalous to some people!. Jesus is not afraid of this kind of scandal, he does not think of the close-minded who are scandalized even by a work of healing, scandalized before any kind of openness, by any action outside of their mental and spiritual boxes, by any caress or sign of tenderness which does not fit into their usual thinking and their ritual purity."
Francis repeatedly slammed the “narrow and prejudiced mentality” of believers who cling to religious laws out of fear. They wind up rejecting the very people they should be ministering to, he said, which means anyone on the margins of society “who encounters discrimination.”
“Total openness to serving others is our hallmark, it alone is our title of honor!”
“We will not find the Lord unless we truly accept the marginalized!........Truly the Gospel of the marginalized is where our credibility is at stake, where it is found, and where it is revealed.”
“Charity is creative in finding the right words to speak to all those considered incurable and hence untouchable.....Contact is the true language of communication.”
Francis repeatedly slammed the “narrow and prejudiced mentality” of believers who cling to religious laws out of fear. They wind up rejecting the very people they should be ministering to, he said, which means anyone on the margins of society “who encounters discrimination.”
“Total openness to serving others is our hallmark, it alone is our title of honor!”
“We will not find the Lord unless we truly accept the marginalized!........Truly the Gospel of the marginalized is where our credibility is at stake, where it is found, and where it is revealed.”
“Charity is creative in finding the right words to speak to all those considered incurable and hence untouchable.....Contact is the true language of communication.”
Is It Really a Matter of Good Against Evil? Do You Care?

Men are being beheaded for not being of a certain religion. Children are being killed without regard in a violent way. People are being crucified. Homosexuals are being thrown off cliffs to their deaths. Women are being stoned in the name of Mohammad. Islamic terrorists are taking lives in various hideous and uncompromising ways. Question is: Are these ISIS fighters evil people or are they not? If they are evil, where does that word/label "evil", come from. Do you have to have "good" to have "evil"?
Will there be any consequences for these Islamic militants at the time of "their" own deaths? Do they have an afterlife and if they do will they they suffer the fires of a place some people call "hell"? Or do they go to a place of virgins to live for eternity fucking said virgins with the pleasures that have been promised by the profit Mohammad?
If you are an atheist, with no afterlife, does all this so called good and evil that many want to label really matter at the end of the day? Atheists, can you answer that question? If you care, why give a care?
The meaning of life and the human condition has tormented man since Adam and Eve, if you believe in that those two. For non-believers of an afterlife, your human condition looks foward to the the big nothingness, right?
Is what is going on in the Middle East with all the murdering of mankind really a big deal? Do you want to have your fucking head detached from your body with a butcher knife? Do you want to be crucified? How about your children being murdered by ISIS? Just meaningless stuff or is there a real battle of good and evil with a hereafter on the line? Or are we just made up of "educated cells" that were made by the Universe through science by happenstance?
Finally, does it really matter what you think about it all? And is a human being truly unique made by a higher force with consequences of an afterlife at death?
Will there be any consequences for these Islamic militants at the time of "their" own deaths? Do they have an afterlife and if they do will they they suffer the fires of a place some people call "hell"? Or do they go to a place of virgins to live for eternity fucking said virgins with the pleasures that have been promised by the profit Mohammad?
If you are an atheist, with no afterlife, does all this so called good and evil that many want to label really matter at the end of the day? Atheists, can you answer that question? If you care, why give a care?
The meaning of life and the human condition has tormented man since Adam and Eve, if you believe in that those two. For non-believers of an afterlife, your human condition looks foward to the the big nothingness, right?
Is what is going on in the Middle East with all the murdering of mankind really a big deal? Do you want to have your fucking head detached from your body with a butcher knife? Do you want to be crucified? How about your children being murdered by ISIS? Just meaningless stuff or is there a real battle of good and evil with a hereafter on the line? Or are we just made up of "educated cells" that were made by the Universe through science by happenstance?
Finally, does it really matter what you think about it all? And is a human being truly unique made by a higher force with consequences of an afterlife at death?
We Promised That After WW2 It Wouldn't Happen Again. No shit.

But we have and currently the ISIS murdering bastards along with other Muslim Terrorists are doing the same. Reckless evil in the name of religion is killing countless human beings on this earth each and everyday. How utterly sad the Western World is today. Never again we said after the Nazi's took control and tried to exterminate the Jews and others in their rise to power. Same with the various individuals and groups in Asia and Africa after WW2 up to today. ISIS is exterminating anyone in their way that doesn't bow down to their power, just as the murdering Nazi assholes in the 30's and 40's did. The complete Western world, and I would include the piss ant in Russia and the evil shitheads in China need to unite with the rest of the civilized world and put an end to them. Simple and direct, all good people and good nations of the world need to come together and get it done. And if you don't participate, then you are just as evil as the bad actors that promote terrorism. Those countries need to be taken out also. Time for good to cut wood and bury evil in hell. By any fucking means if necessary. Modern warfare to win. It has become life and death for civilization.
The Western Way of Life is Under Fire by the Radical Islamic Radicals; Paris Attack Kills 12
I believe that the terrorists that killed the 12 people today in Paris in accordance with their belief of Islam will continue (their war) on the Western world as the West does not have the will to put an end to them and their radical murderous ways. Without the will to completely stop radical Islam this non-action could be a fatal and all free people on earth will continue to suffer death and destruction. The powers of the West continue to allow the religious Radicals to carry out their agenda. One day these Western powers will either see the light and scale a full out war on the Radicals or our way of life could be swept with the wind into oblivion. AS I HAVE FRIENDS OF THE MUSLIM FAITH THAT ARE AS GOD FEARING AND HONEST AND RIGHTOUS AS ANY OTHERS THAT I KNOW, PLEASE YOU KNOW I AM NOT SPEAKING ABOUT YOU when talking about Islamic Radicals. Currently, the human condition tells me that if someone, some group, some organization is out to kill me, it is my responsibility to protect myself and if necessary, take them out. That is a given. Currently we do not have world leadership to protect us. As for those that want to sit on the fence or hedge their bets on the Radicals, you are either with good or with evil. Russia, China, and any others out there, either step up or shut up, when the Western leaders get with the program. These Radicals want your people dead too.
The Mind of Fred Pahlke

I am a life long resident of Oklahoma City, born in 1953, a second generation American with family from Eastern Germany. At the time of his birth, my Grandfather William was born in a land that was controlled by the Russian Zsar, hence his birth land was called East Prussia, Russia. Both my maternal and paternal Grandmothers were of German heritage. I grew up in the shadows of downtown OKC until the age of eleven. My Dad moved the family (one sister) two blocks south of Shepard Mall in Northwest OKC in 1964. I attended Classen High School and Oklahoma City University, graduating in 1974 with a BS in Teaching and 1977 with a Masters Degree in the same. I was a 5th grade teacher in the Oklahoma City Public Schools for six years, starting in 1974. Married in 1978 after a whirlwind romance (married within 100 days in the Catholic Church), I became a father a year later and had my second son some six years after that. I was a building administrator in the OKCPS for 31 years, beginning in 1981. I retired in 2010 and am currently a property landlord.
A You A Racist? I'm Not.

- How can we improve race relations in America? How 'can' we improve race relations in America? Can we improve race relations in America? I for one don't have a race relation problem in my world. Yes, some people in my world "do" have a race relation problem in "my" world. They will have to deal with it. I already have. I do not hate anyone because of the color of their skin. Do "you" have a race relation problem in your world?. Are you using racial slurs in reference to... people? Do you think of yourself as a better/superior person because you think the color of your skin has given you an advantage in intelligence and/or physical skills than someone not of your skin color? Do you show aggressive behavior toward others of a different skin color? Do you think marriage of someone of your skin color to someone of another skin color abhorrent? Are you a person that doesn't believe in God and the Devil and/or good and bad? Do you think nothing of being a person that does what you want regardless to whom you might hurt, especially if the person is of a different skin color? Do you target hurtful behavioral toward others of a different skin color? Do you not follow directions of others in authority just because they might not be of your skin color? Do you exhibit illegal behavior towards authority figures of another skin color? Do you approve of illegal behavior toward society because of negative racial feelings toward others not of your skin color. CAN THE IMPROVEMENT OF RACE RELATIONS BEGIN WITH JUST ONE PERSON? Something that you might consider. You cannot be for racial justice if you are a hater of other human beings. You cannot be for racial justice if you want to burn the world down. You cannot be for racial justice if you are out for your own gain. You cannot be for racial justice if you cannot follow the words and actions of Dr. Martin Luther King. You cannot be for racial justice if you are a violent person. If you hate, want to destroy property, want to steal what is not yours, have no knowledge of non-violent protest, and want to live a violent existence, you are not of good but of bad.
Without God Is There Good or Evil?
This is a good example of why I believe in God. (read site below) This woman found the 20k and gave it back to the bank. Hopefully I would do the same. I believe that I would but I have never been put in a position like this woman. I would give it back because of my faith in a hereafter. I DO think I would do the right thing because it would be what God would want and I Do want to go to heaven and would rather not have to ask for His forgiveness. On the other hand, if I didn't have a faith in God and didn't believe that what I did on earth had any effect on my afterlife I would say to myself LETS PARTY! I guess I have problems with people that don't believe in an afterlife. I guess I have a little sociopath in me. Without God I don't see a good or evil. That's me.
My Top Five Favorite Hot Sauces
#1 Tabasco Hot Sauce
Hands down, the best pepper sauce made. I eat this sauce mostly on expensive cuts of steak. One day I will take a pilgrimage to Avery Island and see the the blessed fields of pepper plants, the vats of fermenting hot sauce, and say a prayer to God for allowing such fine people to produce the nectar of the south. This visit is on my bucket list.
My Top Five Favorite Hot Sauces
#2 Crystal Hot Sauce
Down in Louisiana a majority of people who enjoy pepper sauce like one of two brands. If you are a Tabasco man, you don't touch Crystal. If you are a Crystal man you don't partake in Tabasco. Went into a local restaurant in Hammond La. a while ago and they had a bottle of Crystal on every table. I asked my favorite question when I visit a one and only eatery in that fine state (not) and the answer was no, they didn't have any of that nasty Tabasco. The place was a Crystal joint. For me, I like both, depending upon what I am eating. I don't use Crystals on steak, but I have been known to use it on almost everything else. I can go through a bottle of Crystal in a week. It's hard to find the hot sauce in Oklahoma after Katrina, but when I do I will pick up a a six pack of the sauce. Crystal has the right blend of pepper and vinegar. It's not to hot and doesn't overpower the food you put it on.
My Top Five Favorite Hot Sauces
#3 Valentina Hot Sauce
Hot or regular, this sauce is made for extremely hot Mexican dishes, such as a large tamale dinner from Cocina de Mino or Chelino's Mexican Restaurants. It is a very cheap sauce that is much tastier than the higher price ones. The sauce is used on fruits as well as heated Mexican dinners. Buy the big bottle and both the hot and the regular are top notch sauces.
My Top Five Favorite Hot Sauces
#4 Huy Fong - Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce
When I eat Chinese food my favorite hot sauce is this brand. Hot but with a great taste, not a runny Louisiana sauce or a spicy Mexican variety. This sauce goes well with veggies, white and brown rice, and egg foo young. In Dec. 2009, Bon Appetit magazine named its Sriracha sauce Ingredient of
the Year for 2010.
My Top Five Favorite Hot Sauces
#5 Louisiana Hot Sauce
My #5 choice of hot sauses is Louisiana Hot Sauce. It is not too hot, not to runny, and is best used fried chicken. It was the sauce I grew up with, and will always be welcomed at my table. It has one of the nicer red colors and it's bottle/package is traditional.
Louisiana "The Original" Hot Sauce has been mass produced by Bruce Foods Corporation for over 80 years.[1][2] As a
cayenne pepper based hot sauce, it is similar to
other mass produced brands such as Crystal Hot Sauce, Texas Pete and Frank's Red Hot. It is usually packaged in 6 oz.
shaker bottles, and sports a yellow, blue and red label. Bruce has marketed the
sauce as 'Not too hot, not too mild.' (Wikipedia)

Gary Busey Was A Bully
As the legend goes, film actor Gary Busey lived in the McKinley Park area of Oklahoma City in his early teen years. I cannot be precise on the exact years but I can confirm that the actor specifically said that during the time frame of 1959 or so he would spend his Saturday afternoons at the old Penn Theater (located on Penn Avenue between Northwest 12th and 13th, east side of the street.) Another future film star, Candy Clark, also lived in the neighborhood and Busey and Clark ran around with each other at this time. From my memories, I do not remember Miss Clark, but I sure as hell remember the future Oscar nominee. On most Saturdays my parents would drop me off at the Penn for an afternoon double feature. Added the fact that I was a good friend of the theater owners' son, who was also my age, I had the run of the theater on those movie days. I can remember a rather large boned, buck toothed, mean bully teenager that liked to bother young children (my friend and I), not that he hurt either of us in a serious way. He was an orginal terrorist. But that ugly face I will never forget and sometime in my twenties I put two and two together and figured out that the bully was the one and only Gary Busey. He was crazy then and is crazy now. With that, one of my favorite films of all time is the Buddy Holly Story which is Gary's (Teddy Jack Eddy) greatest film performance.
Run Forrest RunI am a sports nut and have been following the Oklahoma Sports scene for over 50 years. My first memories of sports come from playing various games in my backyard as a four year old. My first rememberance of a significant sporting event was watching the 1958 NFL Championship game between the Colts and the Giants. I was five years old and remember that game, where I watched it, and the final score by A.Ameche to win it. I attended Sooner football games from the age of 6 through this season. I am an Okla.City Univ. fan and a Okla. City Thunder season ticket holder. I have witnessed many historic events in Oklahoma Sports, live and in person. I was born in Oklahoma, I live in Oklahoma, and God willing, I will die somewhere on the French Riviera.